Good or Edible Food

good or edible food 1 errand atlas fallen wiki guide
Type Errand
Region Bastengar
Location Bastengar, Prison of Bastengar
StartingNPC Arif

Good or Edible Food is an Errand in Atlas Fallen. Errands are brief, unique missions akin to side quests but briefer in length. Players can participate in these quests whenever random NPCs offer them, providing flexibility. Their optional nature allows players to decide whether to take them on.


Atlas Fallen Good or Edible Food Information

Good or Edible Food Errand Description

  • Arif is longing for something good to eat. Find Soupmaker and ask for better food.
  • After delivering an ingredient, you received a warm meal from Soupmaker. Bring it to Arif in his prison cell.
  • You brought some food to Arif in his cell. At least he has something proper to eat now during his time in prison.


Good or Edible Food Errand Objectives

  • Find Soupmaker


Rewards for Good or Edible Food in Atlas Fallen

  • Dark Silver Dye
  • Essence Dust


Atlas Fallen Good or Edible Food Errand Walkthrough

Find Soupmaker

 In the Prison of Bastengar, you will meet an Imprisoned Arif.

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He will request an improvement food for his prison situation. In order to fulfill this errand, he will direct you to the Soupmaker.

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The Soupmaker himself is Bastengar Village, Simply go to the town adn speak to him to progress the Errand.

Upon meeting Soupmaker, he will inform the player that he would need more ingredients in order to be able to prepare better quality food. The soupmaker would then inform of the player of what ingredients he would need and where you would be able to get them. Specifically the vendors.

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Buy an Ingredient for the Soupmaker

In this part of the errand, we managed to fulfill the objective by buying an exotic fruit from the nearby Travelling Vendor. (Not to far off walk from the Soupmaker himself, just near the graveyard area). After buying an exotic fruit from the vendor, this will fulfill the objective and progress the quest. 

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Bring the Ingredient to the Soupmaker

After collecting the ingredient, just bring the ingredient to the Soupmaker and he will make some porridge.


Collect the meal next to the Soupmaker

Just pick up the item.


Bring the Meal Back to Arif

Bring the Porridge back to Arif and see him appreciate the food by completing the Errand and giving you the reward for the Errand.


Atlas Fallen Good or Edible Food Notes & Trivia

  • Notes, Tips, and other Trivia for Good or Edible Food.



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    • Anonymous

      PSA: If you buy all the food from Traveling Merchant before receiving this Errand (like I did), you cannot progress the quest after Soupmaker tells you to buy the ingredients. He will not recognize the food in your inventory, and the quest is stuck at telling me to buy the ingredients, which I can’t do because I have them all. The food items are considered quest items, so you can’t sell them or drop them to try again.

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